Searching the web for information one day I was struck by the fact that much as I adored google, the content they found could be less than adequate. Not google's fault of course. I wanted some local information and as I trawled through half a dozen sites I realised it was probably taking me as long as looking through the telephone directories and newspapers had done years before. Even when I found the information I wanted, I had probably seen lots of it on several different sites.
There were other problems as well. I'd come across sites offering me vast amounts of information only to find that they were very limited and usually put together just to show some adverts. Some sites even had no content at all or were so out of date that had they been on a shelf they would have been covered in cob webs.
I design web sites. I've done some quirky ones and simple ones and odd ones but, they all work. I mean, you don't need a degree to use them and it's always easy to navigate yourself around. I also have my own hosting company. So, I'm thinking, it's not going to cost me anything to knock something up....
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